Energy segment - Overview
The chapter Energy Business includes Acea Produzione, Areti and Ecogena, the energy production plants of Acea Ambiente, Orvieto Ambiente (part of Acea Ambiente until 2022), Deco and Ecologica Sangro179 for the production of biogas. Waste-to-energy activities are also described in the chapter Environment Business.

The Acea Group, which operates in the generation of electricity and thermal energy, in the distribution of electricity in Rome and Formello, including management of public lighting, and in the sale of electricity, heating and gas, manages the entire chain of production and supply through the operations of separate inde- pendent Companies, as required by electricity-market regulations. To improve the management of distribution infrastructure, Acea implements hi-tech innovative solutions — remote control, IoT and smart grids — enabling increased grid resilience. The increased “flexibility” of the grid also responds to the trend of increasing numbers of connected prosumers (see also chapters Customers and the community and Institutions and business).
179 The Company was included in the scope this year, with 2022 figures.