Human capital development and communications

In 2023, consistent with the principles and values defined in the Charter of the Person and Participation (see the section on Industrial Relations), Acea implemented actions to promote multidisciplinarity and support full integration of people in the working environment. Again in 2023, the Group maintained remote working, mainly for sta with administrative profiles.
The selection process is governed by a Group procedure, which regulates the methods and actions to implement in selection processes to ensure merit is a focus and inclusivity is supported.
Acea also participates in professional orientation events promoted by university bodies, to meet new graduates and soon-to-be graduates to include in their selection processes. In 2023, Acea met with around 1,500 candidates, participating at 12 career days: Sapienza Economia, Virtual Job Meeting STEM Girl, Federico II, Università di Cassino, Forum Università Lavoro 2023 Tor Vergata, Bocconi, Luiss, High Flyers Finance & Management, 42Roma Luiss, Campus Leaders &Talents Tor Vergata, Inclusive Job Day.
Participation in Labor Dì is of particular importance, promoted by the Lazio ACLIs, a career guidance event for recent high school graduates from the area, during which Acea participated, with other companies, in motivational speeches, presenting the Group and carrying out interviews with students.
Additionally, to recruit needed professional positions, Acea continued to monitor the main national job hunting channels, including Indeed, the largest job search portal in Italy, Linkedin, Monster, and to use social channels, in particular Instagram and Tik Tok, on which recruiting and employer branding campaigns were launched.
In 2023 a total of 208 sta searches were carried out, involving around 15,000 candidates, both for individual positions and for multiple candidates in relation to positions open in Group companies, which led to the selection of 464 people.
The selection process includes various stages, depending on the specifics of the search: CV screening, online challenges using gamification (technical quizzes and business games to assess numerical reasoning, verbal ability, visual-spatial skills, logic), video interviews, assessment of soft skills, motivation and skills through collective tests and individual interviews; additionally, use of artificial intelligence in the selection process was strengthened, in particular when establishing the Job Descriptions, through Chat GPT, and during the screening stage, using an artificial intelligence tool to analyse CVs.
Finally, to monitor the effectiveness of the selection process, specific indicators were used, also for diversity, with reports and a dashboard prepared; in 2023 a survey was also introduced which is given to candidates who have undergone at least one selection interview, to obtain feedback on the selection process and the inclusivity perceived during the various stages.
Once the selection process has been successfully completed, new hires undergo a process to help them become part of the company, with two stages: pre boarding, during which, prior to starting, tools to present the Group and personalised information on the relevant structure are provided, and on boarding, during which new hires receive all the information needed to fully understand company reglations and administrative management of the work relationship, as well as receiving obligatory and specific training for their position. The entire process is digital, thanks to the On Boarding Platform, which contains a vast array of training material and tips which, thanks to tests and games, allow new hires to come into contact with the culture and dynamics of the company in a direct and informal manner. Additionally, the Platform is intended to create a virtual community which the new hires can become a part of, exchanging feedback on their experiences becoming part of the Group and immediately growing their relationship network.
The Leadership Model adopted by Acea, which promotes a flexible organisational culture and guides people’s careers and the realisation of Group objectives, is inspired by values such as performance excellence, teamwork and resilience.
The model is applied to all processes associated with people management: selection, intended to hire talent in line with the Group’s values; the performance management process, which measures individual contribution to the achievement of the corporate goals in accordance with the values adopted; training and development as well as compensation policies, which, also considering the results of the performance management system, are intended to help people grow and to reward their efforts.
Among the main employee engagement and change management activities carried out in 2023 included: the internal sharing of a self-development platform, managed by Lifeed, for children of young children, to help them learn and improve soft skills. Participants in the initiative were obtained through a dedicated survey, followed by evaluation of profiles and personal characteristics, and a training course with coaching tips, webinars and personalised experiences, flexible and able to be enjoyed with full independence. At the end of the course, participants were informed of the results achieved, with feedback on the process and a monitoring tool useful in continuing their self-development plans.
Additionally, in 2023, the HR Special Projects Unit designed in- ternal and external initiatives intended to empower people, through the active engagement of employees, to contribute to the improve- ment of the company climate and the promotion of the values of equity, diversity and inclusion.
The main projects were:
- Friday breakfasts, meetings between the Chief Executive Officer and several Group employees, selected on the basis of gender, age, seniority in the company, educational qualification, position and professionalism, intended to share proposals and feedback about specific areas of interest;
- for the third consecutive year, Acea Talks – Conversazioni diversamente sostenibili [Dierently Sustainable Conversations], produced with contributions from the internal and transversal work team and designed to raise awareness among the Group’s stakeholders of significant topics, through the creation and dissemination of video interviews held with individuals from academia, culture, the arts, sport and the social sector. The 2023 edition was focussed on the issues of inclusion, gender parity and the conditions of women and young people;
- Drive to Acea - Talking freely to understand the professions in our Group, a project designed to learn about the various professions found in the Group, as voiced directly by employees (one inter- viewer and one interviewee) while driving hybrid and/or electric vehicles. In 2023 gender parity in the working environment was an area of particular focus;
- Top Employers Italia certification was obtained for the third consecutive year, recognising positive management of personnel in terms of working conditions, careers, training, professional growth and well-being, with a higher score with respect to 2022;
- The Acea Group Manifesto for Equality, updated in 2023 both visually and in terms of contents, with the addition of four new values: Family, LGBTQIA+ Community, Gender Parity, and Combating Ageism;
- Let’s team up to stop violence against women. #AceaGruppo together with the Women's Roma Volley Club say enough, organised on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women;
- Acea Group Christmas Event, at Teatro dell’Opera in Rome, an opportunity for employees and family members to see the dress rehearsal of “The Nutcracker” ballet, as well as receiving Christ- mas greetings from company management. The event was also an occasion to link the Acea Group with the value of solidarity through the involvement of a representative from the Calcioso- ciale association in Corviale;
- Acea Group ED&I Glossary Project, in collaboration with Feltrinelli Education, to encourage reflecting on words linked to the world of diversity and inclusion and to define ten terms that represent the world of work and its relations of strength, identity and sexual orientation, mistaken social actions associated with prejudice, cognitive bias and discrimination based on age, disability and multiculturalism.
In 2023 the HR Special Projects Unit offered support to the Acea SpA People Culture & Organization Department to carry out, as part of the Trainer Training project, mini training videos (see the sub-section Sta training and development), and initial training targeted at certain Units in the People Culture & Organization Department on gender parity, stereotypes and ED&I issues, with the involvement of the Giacomo Brodolini Foundation and the EDGE association.

The development of professional skills is essential for the evolution of the Group and the achievement of its industrial objectives. To support this process, in 2023 the activities of the Acea Business School continued, to strengthen skills and develop new mindsets in the managerial, digital and technical/specialist areas, as well as ensuring obligatory continuing education is received in terms of regulatory compliance.
A Group procedure defines roles, responsibilities and tasks in the management of training processes for the development of expertise, knowledge and professional skills necessary to act in company positions. The process is divided into the following macro-activities:
- identification of the training needs, consistent with business objectives, centrally managed by the Holding Company, and the definition of the guidelines and the budget which orientate the training interventions of the year, taking into account the specific training needs of each Group Company;
- definition of the Operating Companies’ Training Plan, based on the specific needs identified (for example, operating-technical) and Group needs (“transversal” training);
- administrative management and provision of training, by the Parent Company’s and the Operating Companies’ Training Units.
In 2023, with an eye to innovation and to support digitalisation of processes, SalesForce was introduced, a digital tool that offers constant tracing of each step in the training process, starting with recognising requirements and obtaining final data on training, followed by evaluation of training effectiveness.
Acea funds training through its membership in interprofessional bodies for continuous training - Fonservizi, Fondirigenti and For.Te. which the main Group companies belong to.
In 2023, training courses were held, not only remotely as in previous years, through “synchronous” (live webinars) and “asynchronous” processes (recorded videos and e-learning courses), but also in person, so as to guarantee a gradual return to classroom based learning dynamics and socialisation.
With reference to managerial training, in 2023 training courses on Communication, Eectiveness, Leadership & Network and Worker Management were carried out.
In particular, the Motivational Leadership class was offered, with the objective of helping those with management responsibilities to develop people management skills, strengthening the potential of their employees, while taking into account the unique characteristics of all. The interactive course included 51 people who, in changing and highly complex situations, experimented with various forms of leadership, putting themselves out there and acquiring tools to use to support the development of their workers, including properly assigning goals and activities, the ability to carry out a fair and objective evaluation and giving feedback. 2023 also saw Board of Directors Training for 48 people (executives already holding or taking on the role of Director at a Group company) who, thanks to assistance from high level instructors, strengthened their abilities to manage conflicts of interest and company risks and their eco- nomic and financial skills.
Digitalisation training continued during the year with courses accessible by the entire company population, to strengthen the mind- set and improve digital skills and knowledge, to increase innovation in company processes. Digital training included: the Digital Path, with courses dedicated to the Customer Journey, Data Analytics, Digital Self Empowerment, Industry 4.0 and the IoT, and Vocational, a structured format with courses at a single level open to all Group employees. Meetings dedicated to technological innovation with the greatest impact on working life included: Cloud Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Safe Online Behaviour, Metaverse, Energy and Digital Transition. The vocation webinars saw participation by 351 workers in the Group.
Finally, for high profile digital training, 2023 saw the start of a series of meetings focussed on digital products and services, including Google Cloud and Kubernetes.
The publication of the second edition of the New Skills Fund was an occasion for the Group to strengthen its digital and sustainability skills, with courses on: Microsoft Office, IT Security, Digital Innovation, Environmental Sustainability, Data Analysis, Communication and Collaboration. All together over 50 hours of training were provided to over 800 Group employees.
Training for the Group's Sustainability Ambassadors continued, with the Sustainability Professionals course, organised with the Risk Management, Compliance & Sustainability Department at the par- ent company, with support from Intertek and Luiss Business School (see the box for more information).
Acea designed and carried out the Sustainability Professionals course to certify professionals on sustainability matters, through an exam, in line with that required by the relevant practices. This course involved 20 people, representing the Group’s main business areas, and included three stages:
- online training, provided by Intertek instructors, focussed on the main aspects of UNI PDR 109:2021, to ensure students possessed the technical knowledge requested for Sustainability Managers, Sustainability Practitioners and SDG Action Managers;
- in person training, provided by Luiss Business School instructors, on soft skills to improve performance, strengthening leadership capacities and the ability to promote sustainability in the business model;
- experiential training, at the Comunità di S. Egidio, to include the human aspect of sustainability with initiatives oering high levels of social impact.
With support from Elis, the training project Formazione per formatori [Training for Trainers] continued, intended to provide the 31 employees involved, identified on the basis of the type of expertise held, with the main techniques for education and classroom management. Finally, in cooperation with the HR Special Projects Unit, mini training videos were filmed on the issues of corruption prevention and sustainability, made available to Group personnel through the Pianetacea platform.
E-learning oered through the Pianetacea platform, accessible to all employees, was strengthened.
In particular, online training was oered with reference to Italian Legislative Decree 231/01, with reference to administrative liability of entities and the Organisation, Management and Control Model implemented by Acea, to privacy, the Code of Ethics, whistleblow- ing procedures, Italian Legislative Decree 262/05 with reference to the internal control system, financial disclosures, the integrated QASE management system and sustainability.
As in 2022, to support the implementation of a management system to prevent corruption (UNI ISO 37001:2016), a dedicated e-learning course was developed, available to all personnel, with 4,274 people utilising it, equal to 63% of sta (of which 3,028 men and 1,246 women, 41 executives, 365 middle managers, 2,957 office workers and 911 manual workers). Finally, specific training courses were oered on: Privacy Specialists, environmental regulations and waste management, dedicated to sta with relevant responsibilities.
The Group companies carried out independent remote training, for example:
- Aquaser organised a training course on effective communication, intended to improve the use of verbal, para-verbal and non-verbal communication, with a particular focus on various communication situations;
- Deco organised an electrical technique course, to improve safe- ty during maintenance work performed by relevant personnel. Additionally, for certain selected employees, a preparatory course was offered with reference to the third party transport manager certification exam, as requested by the relative National Register;
- Acea Energia organised a obligatory training course on Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001, one on Anti-trust and improper commercial practices, on the application of competition law and consumer protection regulations, focussing on the risks to which the utilities sector is potentially exposed, and a Customer Centricity, Marketing & Sales course. Additionally, Master Classes were provided on Energy Management, as well as the Meter2bill event on improper commercial practices;
- Areti carried out various training projects to align skills with the integration of the MV/LV/PL Network. Additionally, with an eye to operating flexibility and in collaboration with Acea Ato 2, training for water personnel was organised on electrical aspects and vice versa, the “ARIA MVP6 project” to support the adoption of new vendor and producer portals on Salesforce, the “Supply Chain Lean & Digital project”, to improve the materials procurement management system and management of warehouse inventories, and the Photovoltaic Project which will continue in 2024.
The traditional and experiential training activities and those on the e-learning platform totalled 1,394 courses (1,347 in 2022). Traditional and experiential training was attended by 5,367 people, of which 24% women. Courses delivered digitally were attended by 5,027 people, of which 28% women.
In 2023, a total of 226,222 hours of traditional, experiential and e-learning training were provided, an increase compared to 2022 (see table 50).
In 2023 total training hours per capita145 increased, reaching 34 (31 in 2022); analysing the figure in terms of gender, men had 33 hours of training per capita and women 37 hours; when broken down by position, we find: 12 hours of training per capita for managers, 38 for executives, 36 for employees and 29 for other workers. The overall costs incurred for the provision of the courses, net of scheduling for training and the preparation of the spaces allocated to it, were equal, in 2023, to € 2,477,766.
Table no. 50 – Training (2022-2023)
course type |
corsi (n.) |
formazione (ore) |
2022 | 2023 | 2022 | 2023 | ||||
managerial |
41 |
59 |
7,708 |
9,262 |
safety |
629 |
590 |
107,612 |
79,677 |
governance model (*) |
72 |
112 |
5,148 |
6,043 |
operating-technical |
551 |
558 |
67,073 |
49,549 |
digital |
0 |
41 |
0 |
15,118 |
total |
1,293 |
1,360 |
187,541 |
159,649 |
corruption prevention |
0 |
2 |
0 |
4,819 |
whistleblowing |
1 |
1 |
504 |
422 |
Sustainability and Agenda 2030 |
1 |
2 |
3,991 |
2,427 |
Leadership Model |
1 |
0 |
1,429 |
0 |
technical training |
25 |
1 |
3,401 |
62 |
Code of Ethics |
1 |
2 |
966 |
3,348 |
antitrust law |
4 |
1 |
3,942 |
2,180 |
GDPR - new European privacy regulation |
7 |
1 |
81 |
297 |
administrative liability of entities (Legilative Decree n. 231/01) |
6 |
1 |
2,796 |
437 |
safety |
6 |
6 |
2,367 |
11,675 |
QASE management systems |
1 |
1 |
677 |
912 |
Legislative Decree no. 262/05 |
1 |
1 |
696 |
4,143 |
digital |
0 |
14 |
0 |
33,687 |
managerial |
0 |
1 |
0 |
2,164 |
total |
54 |
34 |
20,850 |
66,573 |
title |
2022 | 2023 | |||||
men |
women |
total |
men |
women |
total | ||
executives |
1,013 |
255 |
1,268 |
999 |
211 |
1,210 |
managers |
11,317 |
5,994 |
17,311 |
13,569 |
7,410 |
20,979 |
clerical workers |
80,061 |
40,725 |
120,786 |
92,773 |
52,263 |
145,036 |
workers |
68,820 |
206 |
69,026 |
58,890 |
107 |
58,997 |
total |
161,211 |
47,180 |
208,391 |
166,231 |
59,991 |
226,222 |
(*) the governance training includes anti-corruption
In order to develop people’s skills and professionalism, the indi- vidual performance evaluation system is in place. Performance is assessed periodically by line managers on the basis of the level of achievement of the objectives assigned to colleagues, in line with the Group’s industrial and sustainability objectives, and the values outlined in the Leadership Model.
In 2023 the Development Center Programme continued, which identifies areas requiring improvement and development processes to implement, through the Assessment Center, as well as defining, down stream from the results, individual projects to improve skills, based on the “Development Catalogue”, which provides meth- ods and activities to further improve strengths and reduce prob- lem areas. The Catalogue contains 19 development measures and tools, grouped into 9 types of training courses, 7 types of focus team coaching (on employee management, strategic thinking, decision-making, effective communication, peer relations and change management, managing emotions), individual coaching courses, mentoring for both mentors and mentees, supported by specific training on methodology and process and, finally, high-level training. These courses are monitored both with reference to eectiveness and enjoyment, thanks to the use of internal dashboards which are also used to prepare reports.
In 2023 187 development plans were activated, involving sta in individual and group training sessions as well as high level training. Professional development of sta through promotions in the year concerned 35 people of which 5 were women, i.e. 14%.
Acea develops partnerships and cooperation with universities, participates in studies and research, meetings between companies and students and stipulates agreements to promote internships and apprenticeships. Acea consolidated relations with the Tor Vergata, La Sapienza, Luiss Guido Carli, Studi Europei di Roma, Federico II di Napoli, LUMSA, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa, Università degli Studi della Tuscia, Cassino universities and Polytechnic University of Milan via the conclusion of agreements aimed at encouraging the transition of graduates into the working world.
In 2023 Acea Ambiente strengthened its collaborations with important universities, including Università di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale, Politecnico di Torino, and Università degli Studi della Tuscia, to finalise technological research and development projects to identify and mitigate environmental impacts associated with strategic locations.
Also during the year, AdF worked with Agile Academy and Università degli Studi del Sannio to carry out high level training courses on the NRRP and the new Public Contracts Code, began training internships with the Università degli Studi di Siena to introduce interns in the new analysis laboratory, as well as participating in the annual Career Day organised by the university.
Deco began an agreement with Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna and one with Università degli Studi dell’Aquila – Industrial Engineering and Information and Economics Department, thanks to which it was able to host a number of interns.
Gesesa participated in the second Guidance Day for University Studies, organised by the Istituto d’Istruzione Superiore Telesia in the Municipality of Telese Terme.
These interactions with universities allowed Acea to activate 14 training internships and 22 educational internships in 2023.
The Group also utilises the professional skills of its sta in university master’s degrees and courses and for technical projects. In 2023, qualified company sta worked as teachers or provided corporate testimonies for university master’s degrees, covering issues related to energy, the environment, sustainability and innovation.
Acea also signs agreements with local high schools and commercial schools in the local area for school-to-work programmes. To that end, in cooperation with schools and thanks to the contribution from Group companies, in 2023 the GenerAzione 2030 project was carried out (see dedicated box).
The GenerAzione 2030 project involved around 400 students from 13 high schools (classics and technical high schools) in Lazio, Umbria, Tuscany and Campania, with the dual aim of raising awareness of sustainability issues in the younger generations and increasing awareness of the Group, bringing students closer to the world of work.
Each Group company has developed a work project on which the students worked, guided by company experts, to develop innovative environmentally sustainable solutions to apply to the company's business. Additionally, Acea orienta was implemented, a specific guidance module for students in the fifth and last year of high school, with dialogue between the Group's human resources experts and the young people, to help them learn more about the most requested professional skills, better structure their curriculum vitae and handle job interviews with more awareness.
- The 5 winning project ideas were developed by:
- ITCG Carlo Matteucci (Rome) - Project Work: Hanging tank project to be placed in the area in front of the school;
- ITI Faraday (Roma) – Project Work: Decreasing/Segregating CO2;
- ITIS Nicola Parravano (Arpino) – Project Work: Analysis and treatment of water and steam; treatment of water in the company's cycle and mechanical aspects;
- Istituto Tecnico Omnicomprensivo Amelia (Amelia) – Project Work: Microplastic management: separation and treatment when it enters the treatment plant;
- Polo Scientifico Tecnico Professionale Fermi-Giorgi (Lucca) – Project Work: Innovative solutions for responsible and knowledge- able use of water.
The Performance Management Model, applied to all sta, is connected to the evolution of the Leadership Model and structured into two distinct types, one for executives and middle managers and the other for oce workers and manual workers. Devised for the assessment of performance and skills, the model represents a driver for the achievement of the Group’s growth objectives and guides policies for people development, enhancing the connection with compensation policies and salary reviews.
The remuneration policy adopted envisages short-term and longterm fixed and variable remuneration measures (MbO, LTIP). Regarding long-term incentives, the Long-Term Incentive Plan (LTIP) is in place, reserved for Executives with Strategies Responsibilities and other Executives holding key positions in the Group. The Plan is divided into three cycles, each lasting three years, at the end of which a monetary bonus will be paid, if the objectives are achieved. This method is aimed at guaranteeing the continuity
of the company’s performance, steering the management towards results with a medium and long-term outlook. The calculation system is subject to the degree of achievement of objectives, as determined by the Board of Directors after consulting the Appointments and Remuneration Committee, of an economic-financial nature (NFP/EBITDA and NFP/NP), tied to the profitability of the share (EPS) and associated with the Group’s sustainable success, through a composite sustainability indicator which, for the third cy- cle of the plan from 2021-2023, was given a percentage weighting of 15%, which includes objectives in line with the Group’s industrial and sustainability planning.
The short-term incentive system (annual), Management by Objectives (MBO), is applied to senior and middle management and entitles them to receive a monetary bonus based on the achievement of objectives established for the year. The system is divided into Group objectives which are the same for all involved parties, Area objectives (applicable across the relevant Area) and individual objectives.
The Group objectives that are applied to 100% of the recipients of the MBO incentive scheme, are based on four indicators (KPIs): three of an economic-financial nature (EBITDA, net profit, net financial position) and one composite sustainability indicator given, in 2023, a weighting of 10%. Managers can choose their Area objectives from among those included in the Dedicated catalogue, with a direct link to the company’s strategy and operational management. With the introduction of sustainability objectives in the incentive systems for the MbO population and for top management (LTIP), Acea has confirmed the integration of sustainability into business activities, strengthening the link between remuneration mecha- nisms and the achievement of social and environmental objectives.
Employees who are middle managers, clerical and manual workers – including those with part-time, fixed-term (including temporary) and apprenticeship contracts – are eligible for the performance bonus every year. This is a variable payment, linked to qualitative and quantitative results achieved in the realisation of business objectives, in line with the industrial and sustainability planning, which aims to have workers participate in company processes and projects to increase profitability and improve competitiveness, productivity, quality and efficiency. Furthermore, payment of an additional amount was made by the company in favour of those who allocate the performance bonus to supplementary pension schemes.
There are also benefits for employees, including those with part- time, fixed-term contracts and apprenticeship contracts, such as meal vouchers, a discounts on electricity taris (for sta hired before 9 July 1996), the subsidies provided through the Company Recreational Club (CRC) and a supplementary health insurance policy. Other forms of benefits are provided to sta to support their well-being. These include: contributions for medical expenses, health check-ups, contributions for the use of emotional and physical well-being services, work-life balance and related to family. Furthermore, specific benefits are offered to executives, such as the use of a company car and the reimbursement of fuel costs. Two insurance policies are available for all sta, which, in the event of death or accident, guarantee the beneficiaries the payment of monetary compensation.
The Internal Communications Unit of the holding company oversees communication to employees and contributes to promoting the Group’s principles, values and strategic objectives and devel- oping a shared company culture.
In 2023, the digital platforms again continued to play a central role in communication between the company and people, in particular My Intranet, a digital environment dedicated to employees which, by facilitating the sharing of information, initiatives and events organised by the Group companies, strengthens people’s engagement and sense of belonging to the Group. In 2023, almost 3 million views were recorded, with a monthly average of 250,000 views and an increase of 7% with respect to 2022.
During the year the portal was updated, in line with the changes made at the company level, with new sections and restyling of others, including the Stakeholder Engagement, Equality & Care, Corporate Identity, Regulatory System, Organisational System, Job Posting, sections and those dedicated to Human Resources processes.
In particular, in the Equality & Care section various documents were highlighted, including the Manifesto for Equality, in its updated form, the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy, the Charter of the Per- son and Participation and the Code for Responsible Companies to Support Natality.
In terms of Equality, Diversity & Inclusion, following the intense work to restyle the visual identity and consequent update of the section, in cooperation with the People Culture & Organization Department, an internal campaign was launched to encourage voluntary adhesion to the Equality Platform (see also the paragraph on Diversity, Inclusion and Welfare).
Additionally, during the year, all personnel received the Code of Ethics, updated in 2022 and, on the occasion of European IT Security month, a guide to IT tool use was created and disseminated, with the aim of supporting and developing a widespread, knowledgeable and shared cyber security culture.
Another digital interaction channel between Acea and employees is the Acea Ti Premia [Acea Rewards You] portal, the innovative space for aggregation which makes it possible to share projects, events and company gadgets and promote engagement.
In 2023, Acea Ti Premia hosted the first edition of the Acea Photo Contest, created to increase employee involvement, as they participated using photos taken by them on the subjects of: Innovation, Sustainability, Our People, Territory. The contest did not just award a prize for each category but also included special prizes, includ- ing the Popular Jury Prize, Prize for Employee Children and Top Management Jury Prize. Page views on the Acea Ti Premia portal in 2023 totalled around 500,000, an increase of 40% over the previous year.
In 2023, the internal communication initiatives remained in line with the pillars of strategic planning: ecological transition, sustainability, diversity and inclusion, welfare, safety, engagement, solidarity, and innovation.
Internal Communication supported the People Culture & Organization Department in the production of webinar cycles dedicated to reflecting on the effects of technological innovation on the world of work, Being Digital, and the dissemination of knowledge about the main sustainability themes and their impact on company busi- ness, Being Sustainable, and the implementation of company wel- fare initiatives, developed to support the psycho-physical well-being of personnel and their family members (see also the paragraph on Diversity, inclusion and welfare), including:
- Out of Oce, the second street gym event organised by Acea; • Acea Family Care, a structured series of initiatives aimed at company sta and their family members;
- Race for the Cure, for the second consecutive year the Acea Group participated in the event with its own team consisting of 160 employees and 50 family members;
- Self-defence course, for employees, to learn personal defence techniques;
- Wellness Fridays, offering yoga and pilates;
- Support Women, the assistance channel to support women workers in difficult situations;
- The launch of the six-pillar My Welfare campaign (Health, Work/Life Balance, Complementary social security, Economic subsidies, Psycho-physical well-being, Family);
- Acea Camp, the summer camp for employee children;
- the Corporate Family Responsibility programme, launched in 2022, to spread a culture of inclusion and appreciation for diversity.
Again in 2023 the Connect with Acea was carried out, a project envisaged by the parent company's Communication & Media Relations Department which, as part of the Corporate Family Responsibility programme saw the implementation of three events: Antarctic Mindset, New Jobs and Leadership, described below, in the paragraph on Diversity, inclusion and welfare, with simultaneous translation in sign language.
To promote the culture of well-being, the Internal Communication team, in collaboration with the Acea SpA People Culture & Organization Department, supported the Previeni con Acea [Prevent with Acea] communication campaign, intended to raise employee awareness about health, prevention and healthy lifestyles. In addition to the usual appointment in December, with free screenings for employees, in 2023 an additional prevention appointment was held. In December at the health village, certain associations were host- ed, including Fondazione Lene Thun, Sulla Strada, La Lega del Filo d’Oro and Intersos.
Additionally, in 2023 Acea Solidarity Days were organised to support the beneficial actions carried out by certain charities, including Save The Children, Andrea Tudisco ODV, Terre des Hommes, AISM and AIRC. Again with reference to social initiatives, in cooperation with the Acea SpA Welfare Unit and the association “La Rete di Tutti”, the initiative “Do good and do yourself good” was developed, which saw a number of blood donation days reserved for Acea employees, in February and June. Further a blanket and clothing drive was organised, to be donated to the Comunità di Sant’Egidio, to help those suffering extreme difficulty to face the winter temperatures.
Also in 2023, as in previous years, in collaboration with the supplier Enoteca Guerrini, the Christmas event was held which saw the purchase of 6,250 packages for Group employees. For each Christmas gift, the supplier donated a portion of the social cooperative Spes contra spem in Rome, which carries out social/cultural integration projects for young people, at risk minors and people with disabilities. Like every year, a portion of the gifts were donated to Comunità di Sant’Egidio, to organise a celebratory lunch, in collaboration with CRA Acea, for people suering financial hardship.
The initiatives developed and promoted by Internal Communications were also publicised using multi-media equipment at the company oces, such as digital totems and screens found in lifts.
145 The indicator was calculated by comparing the number of hours attended with the total number of employees.