Consolidation policies


The scope of consolidation includes the Parent Company Acea and the companies over which it directly or indirectly exercises control or when the Group is exposed or entitled to variable returns deriving from the relationship with the investee and has the capacity to influence its returns through the exercise of its power over the investee. Power is defined as the capacity to manage the significant activities of the subsidiary by virtue of existing substantial rights.

Subsidiaries are consolidated from the date on which control is effectively transferred to the Group and are de-consolidated from the date on which control is transferred out of the Group.

According to accounting standard IFRS 10, control is obtained when the Group is exposed or has the right to variable performance deriving from relations with the subsidiary and is able, through exercising power over the subsidiary, to influence its performance. Power is defined as the capacity to manage the significant activities of the subsidiary by virtue of existing substantial rights.

The existence of control does not depend exclusively on possession of the majority of the voting rights, but on the substantial rights of the investor over the investee. Consequently, the opinion of the management team is required to assess specific situations leading to substantial rights attributing to the Group the power to manage the significant activities of the subsidiary so as to influence its performance.

In order to assess the requirement of control, the management team analyses all facts and circumstances, including agreements with other investors, the rights deriving from other contracts and potential voting rights (call option, warrant, put option assigned to minority stakeholders, etc.). These other facts and circumstances may be particularly significant in the assessment, especially if the Group holds less than the majority of the voting rights or similar rights in the subsidiary.

The Group reviews the existence of control over a subsidiary when the facts and circumstances indicate that there has been a change in one or more elements considered in verifying its existence. Lastly, it must be noted that in assessing the existence of the control requirements, no situations of de facto control were encountered. Changes in the possession quota of equity investments in subsidiaries that do not imply the loss of control are recorded as capital transactions adjusting the quota attributable to the stakeholders of the Parent Company and that of third parties to reflect the change in the quota owned. The eventual difference between the amount received or paid and the corresponding fraction of the shareholders’ equity acquired or sold is recorded directly in the consolidated shareholders’ equity. When the Group loses control, any residual equity investment in the company previously controlled is re-measured at fair value (with counterpart in the income statement) on the date on which control is lost. Also, the quota of the OCI of the subsidiary over which control is lost is dealt with in the accounts as if the Group has directly disposed of the relevant assets or liabilities. Where there is loss of control of a consolidated company, the Consolidated Financial Statements include the results for the part of the reporting period in which the Acea Group had control.

Joint ventures

A joint venture is a contractual arrangement in which the Group and other parties jointly undertake a business activity, i.e. a contractually agreed sharing of control whereby the strategic, financial and operating policy decisions can only be adopted with unanimous consent of the parties sharing control. The Consolidated Financial Statements include the Group’s share of the income and expenses of jointly controlled entities, accounted for using the equity method.

To determine the existence of joint control and the type of joint arrangement, the opinion of the management team is required, which must assess the rights and obligations deriving from the arrangement. To this end, the management team considers the structure and legal form of the arrangements, the terms agreed between the parties in the contractual agreement and, if significant, other facts and circumstances. The Group reviews the existence of joint control when facts and circumstances indicate that there has been a change in one or more elements previously considered in verifying the existence of joint control and the type of joint control.


An associate is a company over which the Group exercises significant influence, but not control or joint control, through its power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the associate.

In determining the existence of significant influence, the opinion of the management team is required, which must assess all facts and circumstances.

The Group reviews the existence of significant influence when facts and circumstances indicate that there has been a change in one or more elements previously considered in verifying the existence of significant influence.

When the Group’s share of an associate’s losses exceeds the carrying amount of the investment, the interest is reduced to zero and any additional losses must be covered by provisions to the extent that the Group has legal or implicit loss cover obligations to the associate or in any event to make payments on its behalf.