Significant events during the year and after

Acea: successful placement of a € 500 million Green Bond and subsequent € 200 million TAP issue

On 17 January 2023, Acea successfully completed the placement of a Green Bond issue for a total amount of € 500 million, interest rate of 3.875%, maturing on 24 January 2031.

The issue, which is part of the Green Financing Framework and the € 5 billion Euro Medium Term Notes (EMTN) programme, was a great success, receiving more than 3 times the amount offered from primary investors coming from numerous geographic areas, mainly in the green sector.

The profits will be used to finance specific projects with sustainability goals, in particular those relative to resilience of the electricity distribution grid, energy efficiency, electric mobility, development of the circular economy, increasing energy produced from renewable sources and protection of water resources. The issue is intended exclusively for institutional investors in the Euromarket.

On 3 February 2023 Acea successfully completed the reopening of the Green bond issue carried out on 17 January 2023 (rate 3.875%, maturity 24 January 2031) for an amount of € 200 million (“TAP Issue”). The TAP Issue received requests equal to over 1.5 times the amount offered. The securities, with a minimum unit of € 100,000 and a rate of 3.875%, were placed at an issue price of 100.368%, implying a return of 3.820% or 105 basis points above the midswap rate, offering a further improvement on the already very satisfactory terms of the original issue.

Acea reaches 100% of Deco: the remaining 35% of the company acquired, the main operator in the Abruzzo environmental sector

On 23 January 2023, Acea acquired the remaining 35% of Deco’s share capital, a company operating in the waste sector in Abruzzo in which it already held a 65% stake, with the closing of the acquisition occurring in November 2021. The company designs, constructs and manages plants for the treatment, disposal and recovery of municipal solid waste and plants for energy recovery from renewable sources.

Acea: Michaela Castelli resigns from the position of Chairman for personal reasons

Acea notes that, on 14 February 2023, the lawyer Michaela Castelli resigned with immediate effect from her position as Director and Chairman of the Acea Spa Board of Directors.

Acea: Barbara Marinali appointed as the new Chairman of the Board of Directors

On 17 February 2023, the Acea SpA Board of Directors, on a proposal by the Appointments and Remuneration Committee and with a resolution approved by the Board of Statutory Auditors, appointed by co-optation, under the terms of Art. 2386 of the Italian Civil Code and Art. 15 of the By-Laws, Barbara Marinali as a new non-executive Director of the Company, replacing Michaela Castelli who resigned on 14 February 2023. The Board of Directors also appointed Barbara Marinali as the Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Acea: indication of interest in the Rome waste to energy plant presented

On 1 March 2023, Acea Ambiente, a subsidiary of Acea, responded to the public notice issued by the municipality of Rome to find economic operators interested in presenting project financing proposals for assignment of the systems hub concession relative to the design, authorisation, construction and management of a waste-to-energy plant and correlated ancillary systems.

Acea Ambiente presented its indication of interest with other national and international partners, including Hitachi Zosen Inova, Vianini Lavori and Suez, following favourable determinations by the relevant corporate bodies of Acea Ambiente and Acea (also pursuant to the provisions of the Acea Group Related Party Transactions Procedure).

Acea: 2023 ESR Top Utility Research and Innovation

On 9 March 2023, Acea was awarded the ESR Top Utility Research and Innovation prize. Acea won in the Research and Innovation category for “its ability to develop research projects that apply innovative digital and cybersecurity technologies to remote control systems of physical infrastructure, experiment with secure ICT platforms that enable widespread and small-scale users to participate in energy flexibility markets, and involve researchers, operators, manufacturers and start-ups in the process of technological innovation”.

Acea: Fitch Ratings confirms Acea’s BBB+ rating and changes the outlook from stable to negative

On 15 March 2023, Fitch Ratings confirmed Acea’s Long-Term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) at BBB+, its Short-Term IDR at F2 and the Long-Term Senior Unsecured Rating at BBB+. At the same time, the Agency announced that it had changed the outlook on the Company from stable to negative. The change in the outlook reflects expectations on the increase in leverage, due to the absorption of cash due to working capital trends and the acceleration of the Group’s investments related to 2022. The confirmation of the BBB+ rating reflects Acea’s strategic focus on regulated activities, together with the solidity of operating management.

Acea: Shareholders’ Meeting approves 2022 Financial Statements, appoints new Board of Directors and confirms € 0.85 dividend

On 18 April 2023, the Shareholders’ Meeting of Acea SpA, in first call, in Extraordinary and Ordinary session, approved the financial statements and consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2022, resolved on the allocation of the profit for 2022 and appointed the new Board of Directors.

The Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting approved the amendment to Article 15 of the By-Laws. The Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting thus set the number of members of the Board of Directors at 13 and resolved to appoint the new Board of Directors, which will remain in office for three years, namely until the approval of the Financial Statements for 2025. The election of the members of the Board of Directors took place by list voting, according to the procedures set forth in Article 15 of the By-Laws in the new formulation approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting.

The following are elected to the new Board of Directors:

  • Barbara Marinali, Fabrizio Palermo, Nathalie Tocci, Angelo Piazza, Elisabetta Maggini, Alessandro Picardi and Luisa Melara, on the basis of the list submitted by the shareholder Roma Capitale, owner of 51% of the share capital of Acea SpA, which obtained the majority of the votes (approx. 68.08% of the shares admitted to vote);
  • Thomas Devedjian and Vincenza Patrizia Rutigliano, on the basis of the list submitted by the shareholder Suez International SAS, owner of 23.33% of the share capital of Acea SpA;
  • Alessandro Caltagirone and Massimiliano Capece Minutolo Del Sasso, on the basis of the list presented by the shareholder Fincal SpA, owner of 3.19% of the share capital of Acea SpA;
  • Antonino Cusimano and Antonella Rosa Bianchessi, on the basis of the list presented by a group of asset management companies and institutional investors, holding a total of 1.17% of the share capital of Acea SpA.

Pursuant to the relevant regulations and By-Laws, the gender distribution criterion was respected.

Barbara Marinali was confirmed as the new Chairperson of the Board of Directors.

Acea and ASM Terni: second closing of the Umbrian integrated multi-utility completed

On 20 April 2023, the second closing was finalised, concluding the corporate merger between Acea, ASM Terni, and the municipality of Terni, following the public procedure initiated by ASM Terni. Following the completion of this agreement, Acea’s stake in ASM Terni’s share capital rises to 45% and the Umbrian utility acquires 20% of the capital of Orvieto Ambiente, Acea Ambiente’s spin-off company. This strengthens Umbria’s first integrated multi-utility, an industrial company active in the water sector, waste management, power generation and the distribution and sale of electricity and gas.

Acea: acquisition of SIMAM completed

On 21 April 2023, Acea completed the acquisition of the remaining 30% of SIMAM (Servizi Industriali Manageriali Ambientali), a company specialising in the engineering, construction and management of water and waste treatment plants, in environmental works and reclamation, with hi-tech integrated solutions. Over the last three years, Acea has developed new skills, know-how, and implemented new high-tech solutions in the field of design and project management, consolidating its capabilities in the construction and maintenance of infrastructures, for an increasingly sustainable, innovative and efficient management of services related to its business.

Acea: the new Board of Directors confirms Fabrizio Palermo as CEO

On 3 May 2023, Acea’s Board of Directors appointed Fabrizio Palermo as CEO and General Manager of the company, and granted him the powers for the ordinary management of the company and the group. In addition to the statutory functions of representation, the Chairperson, Barbara Marinali, was granted specific powers by the Board, including those relating to Corporate Governance. During the same meeting, the Board of Directors also appointed Fabio Paris as Acea SpA’s Financial Reporting Officer.

Acea: Employee and Participation Charter Signed with the Trade Unions

On 15 May 2023, Acea and the trade unions signed the “Acea Employee and Participation Charter” protocol, following negotiations with the unions that began in February. The Protocol was signed by FILCTEM-CGIL, FLAEI-CISL, FEMCA-CISL and UILTEC-UIL, as well as by CISAL Federenergia, UGL Chimici Energia, USB Lavoro Privato and Associazione Capi Intermedi e Quadri. The Protocol outlines an updated model for industrial relations based on even more constant and integrated dialogue, with the aim of strengthening union relations, taking advantage of involvement and centring people.

Acea: partnership agreement signed with Acquedotto Pugliese

On 21 June 2023, at the Water Innovation Summit in Bari, the two companies signed a memorandum to develop cooperation and projects to protect water resources, for technical development and regulatory aspects in the sector. Acea and Acquedotto Pugliese (AQP), the two main Italian operators in the integrated water service sector, signed a memorandum for joint development of cooperative projects with reference to protecting water resources and technological innovation. The memorandum of understanding was signed by the Chief Executive Officer of Acea, Fabrizio Palermo, and the Chairman of AQP, Domenico Laforgia, with the aim of sharing their respective skills in the water sector, to provide effective and technologically advanced management and operating solutions for national infrastructure.

Acea: Sabrina Di Bartolomeo appointed as Financial Reporting Manager

On 23 June 2023, after receiving a favourable opinion from the Board of Statutory Auditors and effective immediately, the Acea Board of Directors appointed Sabrina Di Bartolomeo as Financial Reporting Manager, responsible for preparing the corporate accounting documents pursuant to article 154-bis of Italian Legislative Decree 59/98, as Acea’s Chief Financial Officer, replacing Fabio Paris who, after ending his time with Acea, indicated his renunciation of the position.

Acea: € 435 million from the European Investment Bank to improve the quality and resilience of the water service

On 6 July 2023, the first € 235 million tranche of the Acea-EIB loan was signed, out of a total of € 435 million approved by the EIB Board of Directors. The investments financed with these EIB resources will help to improve the coverage and quality of the integrated water service in the area operated by Acea Ato 2, reducing water loss and improving energy efficiency. Thanks to the support from the EIB, Acea will also increase the resiliency of the water service with respect to future extreme weather events such as droughts. Strengthening and improving infrastructure to provide a more efficient and resilient water service for citizens is the main objective for the € 435 million loan granted to Acea by the EIB. The signing occurred in Rome, with the EIB Director General of Operations Jean-Christophe Laloux and Sabrina Di Bartolomeo, Chief Financial Officer at Acea.

Acea: Standard Ethics increases the sustainability rating

On 12 July 2023, Standard Ethics increased Acea’s Corporate Standard Ethics Rating (SER) to “EE+” from the previous “EE”, with a Positive outlook. The company first received a Corporate SER in 2019. The Company is a member of the SE Mid Italian Index and the SE European Multi-Utilities Index.

Acea: National Framework Protocol to support legality

On 19 July 2023, the Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi and Acea CEO Fabrizio Palermo signed a National Framework Protocol to support legality, with the aim of strengthening shared efforts to combat potential sources of corruption and the risk of organised crime infiltrating sectors of national strategic importance, including management of hydroelectric networks and waste.

Acea: A new organisation to face future challenges

On 12 September 2023, Acea launched a new corporate organisation based on three aspects: welcoming new professionals, generational turnover and including women in top level positions. The new organisation included the establishment of two new deputy generals with relative staff: The Deputy General Manager Corporate And Deputy General Manager Operations.

Acea: the Acea Group obtains validation of its greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction goals from the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi)

On 14 September 2023, Acea received validation of its greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction goals from the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi). The targets assessed involve both direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions. Certification represents a significant acknowledgement of the decarbonisation process begun by Acea to support the energy transition. The Acea Group is committed to achieving the following goals: reducing GHG emissions per MWh of energy generated by 56% by 2032, with respect to 2020; over the same period of time, reduce indirect GHG emissions by 32% and those driving from energy production and procurement of fuels and energy, including that sold, by 56%; finally, reducing emissions due to gas disbursed and sold to customers by 30%. SBTi assessed Acea’s goals in line with the “Well below 2°C” trajectory, the goal established in the 2015 Paris Accords to limit the increase in global temperature to well below 2°C, with respect to pre-industrial levels.

Acea: Legality Protocols

On 15 September 2023, Acea and the Prefecture of Rome signed four Legality Protocols for the construction sites for major water works in the capital city.

Acea: the Board of Directors approves the proposed settlement with Roma Capitale for Public Lighting

On 27 September 2023, the Acea Board of Directors approved a proposal for a possible settlement agreement with Roma Capitale intended to govern their reciprocal positions and the methods for an early consensual termination of the contractual relationship between the parties relative to the Public Lighting service provided by the Acea Group. Given its status as an essential public service under applicable regulations, the consensual termination will necessarily occur on the date the operator that wins the tender called by Roma Capitale effectively takes over the service. With reference to the economic terms of this possible Settlement Agreement, substantially in line with the City Executive Committee resolution 312 of 11 August 2022, following the reciprocal renunciation by the parties, the agreement calls for the recognition of receivables due to the Acea Group from Roma Capitale for a total of around € 100.6 million. The settlement will not have significant financial impacts at 31 December 2023, as the companies have already updated their estimates based on the criteria established in applicable law. The Settlement Agreement, the contents of which mirror the communication between the parties following the AGCM opinion issued on 1 December 2020, can be carried out after the Roma Capital decision making process has been successfully completed. The possible signing of the Settlement Agreement is a very significant related party transaction, pursuant to Acea’s RPT procedure, as well as to Annex 1 to the Regulations adopted by CONSOB with Resolution 17221 of 12 March 2010, given that Acea is controlled by Roma Capitale, pursuant to article 2359, paragraph 1, no. 1 of the Civil Code and the total value of the operation exceeds the materiality threshold established in article 1.2 and in Annex 1 to the same Related Party Transactions Procedure. In consideration of the above, Acea will publish a specific informational document, pursuant to article 5 of the RPT Regulation, within 7 days of the signing of the Settlement Agreement.

Technical and contractual quality bonus

With resolutions 476 and 477, published on 17 October 2023, Arera will complete the quantitative evaluation proceedings for 2020-2021, established in the contractual quality and technical quality incentive mechanisms for the Integrated Water Service, begun in the initial months of 2023. The incentive mechanism for contractual quality (which involves both bonuses and penalties), governed by annex A to resolution 655/15, requires respect for the objectives established for the 2 macro-indicators relative to “Initiation and termination of the contractual relationship” - MC1 and “Management of the contractual relationship and accessibility of the service” - MC2. These standards consists of a total of 42 simple indicators involving performance, related to the main macro-indicators. Technical quality results, governed by annex A to resolution 917/17, lead to bonuses and penalties relative to the 6 macro-indicators established by Arera with reference to water leaks (M1), service interruptions (M2), quality of water distributed (M3), sewer system adequacy (M4), landfill sludge disposal (M5) and quality of treated water (M6).

Bonuses assigned to managers that met the objectives established in the regulations are made available by the “Account for the promotion of the quality of aqueduct, sewer and purification services” established with the Energy and Environmental Services Fund (CSEA), supported by the UI2 tariff component, with 80% of the total assigned to technical quality and 20% to contractual quality.

Acea: Work safety and quality protocol

On 20 October 2023, Acea signed a protocol on tenders with the trade unions, to strengthen work safety and quality, with positive repercussions for the areas in which the Group’s companies work.

Acea: Thomas Devedjian resigns as Director

On 31 October 2023, Acea announced that Thomas Devedjian has resigned from his position as Director, appointed through the list presented by the Shareholder Suez International at the Shareholders’ Meeting of 18 April 2023. This decision was due to unforeseen professional commitments.

Acea: Francesca Menabuoni, coopted as new Director

Following the resignation of Director Thomas Devedjian, the Board of Directors, at its meeting on 10 November 2023, appointed Francesca Menabuoni by cooptation as a new non-executive Director of the company.

Acea: Moody’s confirms Acea’s Baa2 rating and improves the outlook from “negative” to “stable”

On 21 November 2023, Moody’s improved Acea’s outlook from “negative” to “stable”. At the same time, the ratings agency confirmed the long-term issuer rating and the senior unsecured rating at the level “Baa2”, the Baseline Credit Assessment at the level “baa2”, and also the “(P)Baa2” level assigned to the EMTN programme. The improvement in Acea’s outlook follows the same trend as Italian sovereign debt. Additionally, the change reflects the Company’s “solid financial profile” and the fact that Acea’s outlook was previously unfavourably impacted by the negative outlook for the sovereign rating. Acea’s ratings remain a level above those of the Italian government, by virtue of the quality of the diversified business portfolio and the Group’s strategic focus on regulated activities.

Acea: agreement between Acea and BF to protect and reuse water resources in the agri-industrial and energy sectors

On 9 December 2023, Acea and BF SpA (“BF”), the latter of which is active, through its investees, in all segments of the Italian agri-industrial supply chain, signed a memorandum of understanding (“MoU”) to develop possible cooperative actions to protect and reuse water resources in the agricultural, water and energy sectors, with an eye to expanding their respective businesses.

Acea - COP28

On 12 December 2023, the Acea Group, a leader in the water sector in Italy and committed to preventing risks associated with drought and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, contributed to the Global Climate Conference, COP28, participating in the work in Dubai. The company is part of the 20% of Italian companies that have adopted a climate action plan, and part of the 17% that has set goals to reduce their climate altering emissions. In fact, Acea was one of the first industrial groups in Italy to prepare a Sustainability Report, implement a strategy to protect water resources and utilise green energy produced by renewable sources. This year Acea had its CO2 reduction targets validated by the Science Based Targets initiative -56% by 2032. This certification represents a significant step forward in the decarbonisation process begun by Acea to support the energy transition. Additionally, for the second consecutive year, the company was awarded the Arera prize, from the national regulatory authority, as the best operator in terms of reducing its water leak rate.

Acea: agreement between Acea and Coldiretti, BF and ANBI to protect and reuse water resources

On 20 December 2023, Acea, the national confederation Coldiretti, the Associazione Nazionale Consorzi di Gestione e Tutela del Territorio e Acque Irrigue and BF SpA which, through its investees is active in all segments of the Italian agri-industrial supply chain, signed a memorandum of understanding (“MoU”) to develop synergies and possible cooperative projects to protect and reuse water in agricultural, water and energy sectors.

Acea: Publication of documentation for the partial demerger by spin-off

The partial demerger by spin-off, pursuant to article 2506, paragraph 1 of the Civil Code, involves a reorganisation of the assets within the business unit associated with integrated water service management, with the goal of transferring this business unit to a newly established company that will be fully held by Acea. The documentation was published on 22 December 2023 on the Group’s institutional website.

Acea: presentation of a project financing proposal to be awarded the public lighting and smart city services for the city of Rome

Meeting on 22 December 2023 and after the preliminary examination by the Related Party Transactions Committee, the Acea Board of Directors approved the definition and presentation to Roma Capitale by a.cities S.r.l., a fully held subsidiary of Acea, of a spontaneous project financing proposal to be awarded the concession, pursuant to article 193 of the Public Contracts Code, of the project to operate, modernise and digitalise the public lighting network and service in the city of Rome and the realisation of innovative smart city services.

Acea: Two tenders awarded in central southern Italy for hydraulic works and network digitalisation

On 17 January 2024, Acea Infrastructure – an Acea Group company that designs and provides engineering and technology services - was awarded two tenders in Molise and Puglia for a total of around € 2.1 million.

Acea: Publication of the second Green Bond Report

In January 2024 the second Green Bond Allocation & Impact Report for the years 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 was published, concerning the green format bond loan for a total amount of € 900 million under the EMTN program, and divided into two series, one of which for € 300 million maturing in 2025, and another for € 600 million maturing in 2030, issued as part of the Acea Group’s Green Financing Framework for financing projects related to water resource protection, energy efficiency, development of the circular economy, and increased energy production from renewable sources.

Acea: One of the Top Employers Italia 2024

On 18 January 2024, the Acea Group has obtained Top Employers Italia Certification for the third consecutive year, official recognition of corporate excellence in HR policies and strategies and implementation of the same, with the aim of contributing to the well-being of people, improve the environment and the world of work.

Acea - Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)

On 22 February 2024, the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) announced that Acea had been promoted to leadership class with respect to fighting climate change. The Company obtained an “A-” rating, an improvement on the “B” rating received the previous year based on the CDP-Climate questionnaire. Acea is now in the “Leadership” class with the companies most committed to combating climate change, in line with the objectives in the Paris Accords, classified above the European average (B rating) and the average energy utility rating (B).

Acea: Memorandum of Understanding between MIM and Acea

On 27 February 2024, Acea signed a three-year Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Education and Merit to promote education on the proper use of water resources in primary and middle schools.

Consequences of geopolitical, climate and energy events

If 2022 will go down in history for its extreme geopolitical, climate and energy events, 2023 saw a substantial loosening of tension on energy markets, given the gradual strengthening of downward trending fundamental: falling demand, mild winter and autumn temperatures and stocks consistently at historically high levels, as well as hydroelectric production and French nuclear availability recovering from the annus horribilis of 2022.

Consequently, electricity and gas prices gradually fell until mid-year, converging at the levels seen in mid-2021 - the start of the energy crisis. The scars of this latest and changed global gas supply situation have made European markets very nervous and sensitive to the contingent international and geopolitical tensions that developed in the second half of the year, above all the outbreak of the Israel/Hamas conflict, which impeded further decreases.

Despite a baseline situation of uncertainty associated with the continued Russia/Ukraine war, the prices of raw materials were relatively stable in the first half of 2023, after the significant growth seen in 2022. Trends on energy markets saw wholesale gas prices down notably during the second quarter of 2023, thanks to ample supply with respect to demand, allowing Europe inventory levels to arrive at over 70% of capacity. Nonetheless, prices ceased to fall in June, in part due to problems associated with the unavailability of production infrastructure in Norway.