Environmental Regulation

Following consultation document 351/2019, on 31 October 2019 ARERA approved Resolution 443/19 containing the first integrated waste management service tariff method 2018-2021.

With reference to the WTM – Waste Tariff Method, the new rules define TARI fees to be applied to users in 2020-2021, the criteria for the costs recognised in the current two-year period 2018-2019 and the reporting obligations.

As in other sectors subject to regulation, the new waste tariff method refers to ex-post data referring to certain accounting sources (financial statements) for the year Y-2 and applied to year Y (including indications of adjustments that permeate the entire algebraic structure of the method) and no longer to forecast data.

The new ARERA method applies a hybrid approach, borrowed from other service regulations like electricity and gas, with a different treatment of capital costs and operating costs. Namely:

  • Capital costs recognised according to a regulation scheme of the rate-of-return type;
  • Operating costs with the application of incentive regulation schemes and the definition of efficiency targets on a multi-annual basis.

Furthermore, as already anticipated in the consultations, the method calls for tariff limits to revenue growth in addition to the introduction of four different schemes that can be adopted by local authorities and operators with respect to the objectives of improving service. More specifically, the method regulates the phases of the integrated waste service as identified: street sweeping and washing, collection and transport, treatment and recovery, treatment and disposal of municipal waste, tariff management and user relations.

In this first definition of the tariff method, ARERA maintained the algebraic structure of the method established by Italian Presidential Decree 158/1999, including tariff factors corresponding to additional components for the determination of the fees, some of which are as follows:

  • limit to the overall growth of tariff revenues, with the introduction of a limit factor for annual variation that also takes into account efficiency gains and productivity recovery;
  • an asymmetric approach that takes into account in the measurement and in the calculations of the single cost components: 1. Service improvement objectives established at the local level and 2. the possible extension of the operational perimeter; these parameters determine the positioning of the individual operation within a tariff matrix defined according to the regulatory method;
  • sharing factor in relation to revenues from the sale of material and energy from waste (between 0.3 and 0.6), and in relation to CONAI revenues (between 0.1 and 0.4);
  • introduction of an adjustment component for both variable and fixed costs, defined as the difference between the revenues relating to the variable and/or fixed cost components for the year Y-2 – as redefined by the Authority – compared to the tariff revenues calculated for the year Y-2. In the recognition of 2018-2019 efficient costs, this component is modulated through a coefficient of gradation and provides for the payment for the recovery of any deviations through a number of instalments, up to 4;
  • introduction of two different rates of return on net invested capital (WACC) for the service of the integrated waste cycle and a differentiated rate of return for the enhancement of current assets. Regarding the WACC of the integrated waste cycle for the period 2020-2021, it is defined as 6.3%. To this value is added a 1% increase to cover the costs arising from the time lag between the year of recognition of investments (Y-2) and the year of tariff recognition (Y), known as the time lag.

In order to take account of the different initial territorial conditions, as previously with the water sector, the Regulator has introduced a methodology that defines the criteria for the quantification of tariffs within an asymmetrical regulation, where there are four different types of tariff schemes under which each competent entity can identify the most effective solution depending on its objectives of quality improvement and management development currently applicable to operators in the first part of the integrated waste service chain, in particular to the phases of sweeping and washing roads and collection and transport.

The EFP (Economic and Financial Plan) remains the tool of reference for the development of the integrated cycle and for the calculation of TARI tariffs and is prepared by the “integrated waste system operator”, where it is also the Municipality, while “the operators who manage parts of the supply chain make their data available to those who prepare the EFP for the correct elaboration of the entire Plan”.

With regard to the Integrated Text TITR - 444/2019/R/rif - Provisions on transparency in the management of urban and similar waste, it is specified that this text defines the provisions on transparency of the management of urban and similar waste for the regulatory period 1 April 2020-31 December 2023. The scope of the intervention includes the minimum information to be made available by the integrated cycle manager through websites, the minimum information to be included in collection documents (payment notice or bill) and individual communications to users concerning significant changes in operations.

With Resolution 138/21, ARERA started the procedure for updating the WTM (the “WTM-2”), which will be effective from 2022 and in which also establishes the methodology for defining the so-called “gate tariffs”, which will have a direct impact on the operation of some of the Company’s plants.

With Determination 01/DRIF/2021, the Authority began collecting data on treatment plants in the unseparated waste chain (D10 and R1 incinerators, mechanical/mechanical-biological treatment, and landfills). The Company duly responded within the required deadline.

Consultation Document 196/21 was then published regarding gate tariffs, clarifying the regulatory scope envisaged by the Authority: ARERA is currently inclined towards including all the plants that manage urban waste, with the exception of those that are “connected with recycling chains, focused on materials recovery, managed by chain consortia (funded by contributions from member companies) or by other entities, and with whom municipalities may sign specific agreements to cover the charges incurred for separate waste collection.

With resolution 363/2021/R/rif, the Authority approved the new Waste Tariff Method (MTR-2) containing the method for determining tariff revenues for delivery of the integrated urban waste management service, or the individual services that constitute it (such as the recovery/disposal service, carried out directly by the Company), applicable to the years 2022-2025. In this context, criteria are established for access tariffs for treatment plants owned by by operators not integrated into the upstream activities of the supply chain, which apply solely to those identified as “minimum plants” by the relevant entities in the context of area planning. Vice versa, plants not classified as “minimum” (known as “additional”) are subject solely to the regulations on transparency in operating information. According to the adopted method, the managers of the minimum plants must prepare the Economic Financial Plan for 2022-2025 in line with the indications found in the aforementioned MTR-2 and, pursuant to article 7 of resolution 363/2021/R/rif, send them to the relevant bodies for validation; these latter then send them to ARERA for verification of regulatory consistency with the documents and subsequent approval of the tariffs.

Resolution 459/2021/R/rif subsequently completed the tariff regulatory framework, containing the values of parameters to determine capital use costs (i.e. planned inflation rate and the vector expressing the deflator for gross fixed investments for the MTR-2 period of application), as well as resolution 68/2022/R/rif which established, for managers providing processing activities in a non-integrated form, a WACC value of 6%.

With determination 01/DRIF/2022 of 22 April 2022, ARERA approved the basic schemes for the documents making up the tariff proposal that managers of “minimum” plants submit to the relevant bodies, consisting of the GBOTAs or the Region. In particular, reference is made to the EFP and the Report accompanying the same.

In 2022, following the sector scheduling documents published by the relevant bodies, in application of the ARERA regulations pursuant to resolution 363/2021/R/rif, Acea Ambiente implemented preparatory activities to comply with regulatory activities for plants classified as “minimum” and, subsequently, sent the documents required under Determination 01/DRIF/2022.

Also note other activities carried out by ARERA:

  • with consultation document 611/2022/R/rif the introduction of equalisation systems was proposed in the waste sector, in particular associated with respect for the waste hierarchy (and recovery of accidentally fished waste); with this mechanism, which is pass-through for plant managers, an economic incentive would be applied for deliveries with respect to recovery of materials or energies, supported by penalties applied to deliveries to landfills;
  • with Resolution 413/2022/R/rif a proceeding was launched, also envisaged in the 2022 Competition Law, to define adequate technical and quality standards to carry out disposal and recovery activities. Subsequently, with Resolution 732/2022/R/rif, the proceeding was combined with the one launched with Resolution 364/2021/R/rif (to determine efficient costs for separate waste collection, transport, sorting and other preliminary operations) and extended to 30 June 2023;
  • with consultation document 643/2022/R/rif, published as part of the procedure began with resolution 362/2020/R/rif, the initial guidelines were issued for the preparation of a basic service contract scheme to govern relations between awarding entities and managers of urban waste management services.

On 24 and 27 February, decisions 486/2023 and 501/2023 were respectively published, and on 6 March 2023, decision 557/2023, with which the Regional Administrative Court of Lombardy, Milan, First Section, in part annulled resolution 363/2021/R/rif. Specifically, the Regional Administrative Court found that ARERA’s identification of “minimum” plants fell outside of the government’s area of responsibility, consequently granting Regions powers not due to them and inverting the proper direction of the scheduling process.

On 7 March 2023, ARERA published resolution 91/2023/C/rif providing information on its appeal made to the Council of State, requesting precautionary suspension of the decisions of the Regional Administrative Court of Lombardy, in that in the Authority’s opinion, “the referenced decisions [...] are based on an erroneous interpretation of the relevant factual and legal elements”. The Council of State rejected this precautionary suspension request.

While awaiting the Council of State’s decision on the merits, with consultation document 275/2023/R/rif, in the context of the procedure begun with resolution 62/2023/R/rif, the Authority provided guidance for the 2024-2025 two-year update for the waste tariff method (MTR-2). In particular, the Authority confirmed its desire to not submit to the referenced Lombardy Regional Administrative Court decisions and proposed updates to the main economic parameters, above all the inflation rate.

Upon completion of the aforementioned procedures, in July 2023 ARERA published the following provisions:

  • Resolution 385/2023/R/rif “Basic service contract scheme to govern relations between awarding entities and urban waste management service operators” which follows (most recently) the guidelines presented with the cited DCO 262/2023/R/rif;
  • Resolution 386/2023/R/rif “Establishment of equalisation systems in the urban waste sector” which takes up the proposals formulated in DCO 611/2022/R/rif without confirming the introduction of the equalisation instrument linked to the waste hierarchy for that going to plans (postponed to the next regulatory period);
  • Resolution 387/2023/R/rif “Monitoring and transparency obligations for efficiency in separated waste and urban waste treatment plants”, which introduced initial regulations for quality for plants, with reference to both technical aspects (in particular management of processing waste) and contractual/commercial aspects (management of complaints and written requests from users, monitoring of service interruptions) with respect to which the Company adopted specific compliance measures in terms of collecting and recording information and making adjustments to contracts and its website; while establishing initial monitoring and reporting obligations, the provision did not introduce service standards correlated to bonus and penalty mechanisms, which had been announced in DCO 214/2023/R/rif;
  • Resolution 389/2023/R/rif “Two year update (2024-2025) of the waste tariff method (MTR-2)” with which, in line with the proposals in DCO 275/2023/R/rif, confirms and updates (with particular reference to economic parameters and internal inflation rates) the general structure for defining plant access tariffs pursuant to resolution 363/2021/R/rif, specifically the update of the tariff for 2024-2025 (based on updated data relative to 2022-2023) by 30 April 2024. With resolution 465/2023/R/rif ARERA subsequently confirmed the provisions inserted in line with Council of State ruling 7196/23, on the deduction of the tariff recognised for integrated management of costs/revenue attributable to precleaning, preselection or preprocessing of plastic packaging coming from separated waste.

During December 2023, the Council of State Second Section Rulings 10548, 10550, 10734, and 10775, rejected the ARERA appeal and confirming the reasoning already expressed by the Regional Administrative Court of Lombardy, which found the classification of plants envisaged in the MTR-2 to be illegitimate, in that the material fell under the areas of planning falling to the government.

With resolution 7/2024/R/rif ARERA took action to comply with these rulings, cancelling the tariff adjustment for “minimum” plants for 2022-2023 but at the same time confirming it for 2024-2025 (as updated by resolutions 389/2023/R/rif and 7/2024/R/rif with reference to time references and the new investment remuneration rate - WACC - which rose from 6% to 6.6%). Confirmation of the structure for “minimum” plants now is based on the criteria identified in the meantime in the PNGR (Ministerial Decree 257 of 24 June 2022).

Additionally, with resolution 27/2024/R/rif ARERA began the procedure to define directives for accounting and administrative separation in the urban waste sector, with the objective of applying the regulations starting in the next regulatory period, in 2026.


As far as the publication of the four European directives is concerned, they provide for amendments to six European directives on waste, namely:

  • Directive 2018/851/EU, amending the so-called mother directive on waste 2008/98/EC;
  • Directive 2018/850/EU, amending the landfill directive 1999/31/EC;
  • Directive 2018/852/EU, amending the packaging directive 94/62/EC;
  • Directive 2018/849/EU, amending the directive on end-of-life vehicles 2000/53/EC, the directive on batteries and storage 2006/66/EC and the directive on waste electrical and electronic equipment, the so-called WEEE 2012/19/EU.

In short, the primary new development that these measures bring to environmental legislation concerns the percentages of separate collection to be achieved in the coming years, in particular up to 2035 (though establishing intermediate steps from 2020 to 2030 and from 2030 to 2035), namely:

  • urban solid waste: the target is to recycle at least 65% by 2035, with intermediate stages of 55% by 2025 and 60% by 2030;
  • packaging: the goal is to recycle at least 65% by 2025 and 70% by 2030;
  • landfills: the objective is to limit the entry of waste into landfills to a maximum of 10% by 2035. To this end, Member States must endeavour to ensure that by 2030 all waste suitable for recovery or recycling – in particular municipal waste – is not landfilled, with the exception of waste for which landfilling is the best environmental option. On the subject of landfills, the introduction of article 15-ter to the 1999 directive established that the Commission shall adopt implementing acts to determine the method to be used to determine the permeability coefficient of landfills locally and throughout the area. And the introduction of article 15-quater confers on the Commission the task of adopting implementing acts to develop a criterion for waste sampling (until the concrete enactment of this new method, Member States use the national systems currently in place);
  • separate collection of household waste: important changes are foreseen for the separate collection of household waste, such as textile waste, organic waste and hazardous household waste, not always collected separately at this time;
  • waste prevention measures: the directives state explicitly that Member States must take a series of measures to prevent the production of waste upstream, such as domestic composting and the use of materials obtained from organic waste, to encourage the production and marketing of goods and components suitable for multiple use, and to provide financial incentives to encourage such virtuous behaviour;
  • these targets may be revised in 2024 (especially in view of the fact that they are considered excessively ambitious for some States that, for example, currently frequently use landfills). In this sense, the legislature therefore stated that, recognising the significant differences in treatment between different States, it will be possible to grant an extension up to a maximum of 5 years for States that in 2013 prepared for reuse and recycled less than 20% of urban waste or landfilled more than 60% of urban waste);
  • in compliance with the above European Delegation Act, the following acts have been approved: Legislative Decree 116/2020 on waste and packaging, Legislative Decree 118/2020 on waste batteries and accumulators (RPA) and waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), Legislative Decree 119/2020 on end-of-life vehicles and Legislative Decree 121/2020 on landfills.

Finally, the rewording of article 6 of Directive 98/2008/EC on the cessation of the qualification of waste (End of Waste) deserves a brief comment. In particular, with the new amending resolution, the European law requires Member States to take appropriate measures to ensure that where a substance or article meets the requirements for End of Waste it cannot be classified as waste.

More specifically, having regard to the competence of the European Commission to define the general criteria for the uniform application of End of Waste conditions, it is established that if the latter does not do so for certain types of waste, Member States may establish detailed EoW criteria for certain types of waste that must take into account all the substance’s or object’s possible adverse effects on the environment and human health and meet the EoW requirements of the directive. Such decisions must be notified to the Commission by the Member State.

Moreover, the same resolution also states that Member States may decide on a case-by-case basis or take appropriate measures to verify that certain wastes have ceased to be such under the conditions set out in the directive, where necessary reflecting the EU EoW criteria and taking into account limit values for pollutants and all possible adverse effects on the environment and human health. Such decisions taken on a case-by-case basis need not be notified to the Commission.

Finally, on the subject of EoW, note the amendment approved on 6 June 2019 and included in the Reopen Building Sites Decree (Decree Law 32/2019, converted with Law 1248). In particular, the rule establishes that pending the adoption of one or more decrees containing the EoW criteria for specific types of waste, ordinary permits for waste recovery plants must be granted on the basis of the criteria indicated in the measures governing simplified waste recovery (Ministerial Decree 5 February 1998, Ministerial Decree 161/2002 and Ministerial Decree 269/2005) “for the parameters indicated therein, for the parameters relating to the type, origin and characteristics of waste, recovery activity and characteristics of what is obtained from these activities”. Ordinary permits must, on the other hand, identify the necessary conditions and requirements “regarding the quantities of waste admissible to the facility and to be subjected to recovery operations”.

The Ministry of the Environment (now the Ministry for the Ecological Transition) is authorised to issue specific guidelines “by decree not of a regulatory nature” for the uniform application of the regulations throughout the country.

With Ministerial Decree 257 of 24 June 2022, the National Waste Management Programme (PNGR) was approved, a guidance tool for the Regions and Autonomous Provinces when planning urban waste, which establishes macro-objectives, macro-actions, targets and guidelines to follow when preparing Regional Waste Management Programmes (PRGR). This tool was envisaged in article 198-bis of Legislative Decree 152 of 3 April 2005, introduced by Legislative Decree 116 of 3 September 2020 and inserted in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), as one of the main reforms within the circular economy mission (M2C1).

The PNGR has a six year timeframe (2022-2028) and the objective of eliminating the plant gap, increasing the rate of separated waste collected and recycling to develop new supply chains for secondary raw materials in the waste cycle, replacing traditional ones, while contributing to the energy transition, starting from a national survey of existing plants. Additionally, the Programme classifies plants for the purposes of tariff regulation using ARERA methodology, indicating the need to adopt Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) based plans at the regional level.