Distribution of the value generated by Acea

[GRI - 201-1], [GRI - 201-4],

The overall economic value generated by the Acea Group in 2022 is € 5,209.9 million (€ 4,012.4 million in 2021).
Below is a breakdown of the above figure amongst the stakeholders: 68.1% to suppliers, 16.1% to the company as resources to be withheld; 5.9% to employees; 4.1% to shareholders in the form of dividends; 2.1% to financiers in the form of interest on capital provided; 3.6% to the public administration55 in the form of taxes paid and 0.1% to the community by way of sponsorships and donations for events and similar endeavours.

Table no. 16 – Economic value directly generated and distributed (2021-2022)

(in € million) 2021 2022
total economic value directly generated 4.012,30 5.209,9
distribution to stakeholders
operating costs (suppliers) 2.453,30 3.549,8
employees 275,8 305,1
shareholders (*) 219,7 212,1
financiers 97,4 111,7
public administration 150,7 186,7
community 7,9 6,3
company 807,5 838,2

(*) Includes dividends for the financial year proposed by the BoD, any dividends from reserves and minority interests.

Table no. 17 – Breakdown of value generated by stakeholder (2021-2022)

  2021 (%) 2022 (%)
suppliers 61,1 68,1
employees 6,9 5,9
shareholders 5,5 4,1
financiers 2,4 2,1
public administration 3,8 3,6
community 0,2 0,1
company 20,1 16,1

55 The amount paid to the public administration net of public contributions which Acea receives (equal to € 17.9 million) is € 168.8 million.
