Human capital development and communications

[GRI - 102-18], [GRI - 102-19], [GRI - 102-20], [GRI - 102-23], [GRI - 102-24], [GRI - 102-29], [GRI - 205-2], [GRI - 302-1], [GRI - 303-1], [GRI - 304-1], [GRI - 305-1], [GRI - 306-1], [GRI - 401-1], [GRI - 401-2], [GRI - 403-1], [GRI - 404-1], [GRI - 404-2], [GRI - 404-3], [GRI - 405-1], [GRI - 406-1], [GRI - 418-1],
Human capital development and communications

Acea, thanks to the digitalisation of business processes and the Teams digital workspace platform, continued in 2022 to provide its people with working methods and tools adequate for extensive use of remote working, formalised in the “New Normal” Remote Working agreement (see paragraph Industrial Relations), with the aim of preserving people’s involvement in the Group’s identity, developing skills through remote training, and ensuring organisational well-being through targeted initiatives.


The selection process is governed by a Group procedure, updated in 2022 with the introduction of selection criteria consistent with the diversity & inclusion principles adopted.
Acea further strengthened its recruiting network, by developing and integrating new distribution channels for job adverts to intercept profiles of interest, like Indeed, the top job search portal in Italy, and by using social channels, in particular Instagram and TikTok, where the first recruiting trial campaigns have been launched.
In 2022, a total of 256 searches for personnel took place, which identified 464 people, and concerned individual profiles or multiple candidates for open positions in the Group companies, involving around 43,000 candidates.

The selection process can include several stages depending on the specifics of the search: CV screening, online challenges using gamification (technical quizzes and business games to assess numerical reasoning, verbal ability, visual-spatial skills, logic), video interviews, assessment of soft skills, motivation and skills through collective tests and individual interviews.
To monitor the effectiveness of the selection process, more use was made of the specific indicators, including for diversity, considered in the processing of reports and included in the dedicated dashboard. During the year the Green Engineering Talent Day took place to search for young people trained in the energy transition, sustainability and innovation, to join Acea Energia and Acea Innovation. Acea also participates in professional orientation events promoted by university bodies, to meet new graduates and soon-to-be graduates to include in their selection processes. In 2022, Acea met around 3,500 candidates, participating in: Virtual JobMeeting Engineering, 42Roma Luiss, Luiss Career Day Roma, Math Career Day sede CNR, Sapienza Career Day, Inclusive Job Day, Digital Diversity Week, STEM Girl, and Virtual Job Meeting STEM Girl.


In 2022, Acea revised its Leadership Model, which promotes a flexible organisational culture and guides people’s careers and the realisation of Group objectives, inspired by values such as performance excellence, teamwork and resilience.
The model is applied to all processes associated with people management: selection, intended to hire talent in line with the Group’s values; the performance management process, which measures individual contribution to the achievement of the corporate goals in accordance with the values adopted; training and development as well as compensation policies and salaries, which, also considering the results of the performance management system, are intended to help people grow and to reward their efforts.
For the dissemination of the new Model, a communication campaign was carried out, aimed at the entire company population, and specific training and information sessions were organised (see sub-paragraph Staff Training and Development).

The main employee engagement and change management activities carried out in 2022 included:

  • the initiative, dedicated to the Production & Energy Service area, to increase the sense of team, with the use of coaching techniques, the sharing of new work methods and a vision capable of guiding people towards the achievement of common and individual goals;
  • the Disegniamo il nostro Futuro [Let’s Design Our Future] project, dedicated to the Risk & Compliance Function of the holding company, intended to build a common mission through the use of team building and team coaching techniques.

In 2022, the HR Special Projects Unit also designed internal and external initiatives intended to empower people, through the active engagement of employees, to contribute to the improvement of the company climate and the promotion of well-being, the dissemination of the values of sustainability and inclusion.

The main projects were:

  • Friday breakfasts, meetings between the Chief Executive Officer and several Group employees, selected on the basis of gender, age, seniority in the company, educational qualification, position and professionalism, intended to share proposals and feedback about specific areas of interest, promoting different perspectives;
  • Ukraine emergency, a project to support the population affected by the war, which had employees involved in fundraising and collecting essential goods to be sent to the Basilica di Santa Sofia (the Ukrainian church in Rome) and to the Community of Sant’Egidio. Deliveries were made to the Basilica di Santa Sofia thanks to the Acea Solidarity Taxi, in collaboration with the ACLI (Associations of Christian Italian Workers) in Rome and its volunteers (former Acea employees now retired). Furthermore, cash donations by employees were sent to the Community of Sant’Egidio, for the purchase of medicines to be sent to Ukrainian cities under siege and to welcome refugees to the region, and to the Community of Santa Sofia, for the creation of a space in Rome dedicated to child victims of the war;
  • the second edition of Acea Talks – Conversazioni diversamente sostenibili [Differently Sustainable Conversations], produced with contributions from the internal and transversal work team and designed to raise awareness among the Group’s stakeholders, through the creation and dissemination of video interviews held with individuals from academia, culture, the arts, sport and the social sector. The 2022 edition focused on topics of diversity, equity and inclusion, in relation to which the interviewees offered innovative interpretations and useful analyses to encourage reflection and raise awareness;
  • Passaggio in Acea – Parole a ruota libera per conoscere i mestieri del nostro Gruppo [Discussed by Acea – Informal chats about the trades of our Group], a project designed to promote greater knowledge of the various professional skills present in the company, encouraging employee engagement through interviews;
  • awards for Acea Group employees with at least 40 years of seniority in the company, a tribute to the commitment and professionalism shown by employees during their many years of service and, at the same time, an opportunity for intergenerational exchange between senior employees and new hires;
  • Top Employers Italy, the certification, obtained for the second year in a row, for positive HR management in terms of working conditions, career, training, professional growth and well-being;
  • the Acea Group Equality Manifesto, presented on World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development (see info box in the paragraph Diversity, Inclusion and Welfare).



The development of professional skills is essential for the evolution of the Group and the achievement of its industrial objectives. To facilitate this process, in 2022 the Acea Academy Business School was created, which ensures the acquisition of managerial, digital and technical/specialist skills as well as compulsory refreshers on respect for legislative compliance. The Acea Business School is characterised by a diversified and inclusive training approach, with multiple formats: from classroom training to the use of digital learning and short training videos, it helps to equip the Group with innovative and strategic skills, in response to emerging professional requirements, and to spread the knowledge of value-based, behavioural and leadership models consistent with the company’s vision and mission.
A Group procedure defines roles, responsibilities and tasks in the management of training processes for the development of expertise, knowledge and professional skills necessary to act in company positions. The process is divided into the following macro-activities:

  • identification of the training needs, consistent with business objectives, centrally managed by the Holding Company, and the definition of the guidelines and the budget which orientate the training interventions of the year, taking into account the specific training needs of each Group Company;
  • definition of the Operating Companies’ Training Plan, based on the specific needs identified (for example, operating-technical) and Group needs (“transversal” training);
  • administrative management and provision of training, by the Parent Company’s and the Operating Companies’ Training Units. Acea funds training through its membership in interprofessional bodies for continuous training - Fonservizi, Fondirigenti and For.Te. which the main Group companies belong to.

As in the previous year, the 2022 training courses were designed to be carried out mainly remotely, by means of "synchronous" training (live webinars) alternating with "asynchronous" training (recorded videos and e-learning courses).
As mentioned, following the adoption of the new Leadership Model, a dedicated training programme was developed, aimed at the entire company population (see the info box).


In order to create adequate dissemination of the new Acea Leadership Model and reach the entire company population, training on digital learning was carried out through the Pianetacea platform. To increase the effectiveness of the training, short videos were created in a diversified manner for the different target audiences (clerks, operators, etc.), so that each person could connect the values and behaviours illustrated to his/her daily work life. At the same time, the interactive approach guaranteed a more proactive and engaging experience, which was essential to promote conduct aimed at achieving the strategic objectives.
The training course and the related material were developed according to standards for content accessibility, with audio and subtitles in formats compatible with software for facilitated reading, with a view to a continuing focus on inclusivity.

With reference to managerial training, in 2022 training courses on Communication, Effectiveness, Leadership & Network took place.
In particular, the Basi di Leadership [Leadership Basics] course was held, dedicated to a target audience of talented young people for the development of leadership and managerial skills. It involved 63 people for a total of 1,169 hours of training delivered. Thanks to the use of various technologies, the participants gained experience of leadership skills development in complicated settings, to encourage greater awareness of their own abilities.

Digitisation training continued during the year with accessible courses for the entire company population, for the dissemination of a new mindset and the growth of digital competencies and skills aimed at innovating company processes. To this end, the Digital Selfie survey was administered, which found an overall increase in the Group’s digital skills (+13% compared to the previous measurement). New training requirements were defined and met by targeted courses including: Digital Path, which involves courses structured over three levels of study and intended for a select target audience, and Vocational, a format structured into courses set across a single level and open to all Group employees. The courses on digital topics carried out in the year included: Data Driven, Data Analytics, New Clients, Customer Journey, Service Design, Industry 4.0, IoT Solutions & IoT Lab, Digital Self Empowerment, Digital Leadership, Agile Mindset, Collaboration in the Digital Age, Augmented Reality, Digital Sustainability and Blockchain. The training initiative involved a total of over 2,000 people, for a total of 610 hours of training delivered.

In order to develop the internal competencies of employees and place these at the Group companies’ disposal, the Formazione per formatori [Training for Trainers] course continued, intended to inform the 90 employees involved, identified on the basis of the type of expertise held, about the main training and classroom management techniques.
With the support of SAFE (centre of excellence for studies and training on topics related to energy and the environment), the Transizione energetica e normativa ambientale [Energy Transition and Environmental Legislation] training course was also carried out (see info box).


Acea sought to offer a training course that could provide an overview of European and Italian environmental legislation, with direct testimonies from operators and institutions from the world of energy and the environment, and the necessary expertise to understand the market and the organisational context and transform the information acquired into tangible and strategic actions.
The course, entitled Transizione energetica e normativa ambientale [Energy Transition and Environmental Legislation], involved 94 employees and was arranged into three modules that covered the European and Italian legislative and strategic framework, the European New Green Deal, Italy’s National Integrated Plan for Energy and Climate 2030, Italy’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), Industry 4.0, the evolution of environmental legislation, the Consolidated Environmental Law, Italian Legislative Decree no. 152/06, the Environmental Impact Assessment and the Strategic Environmental Assessment (EIA and SEA), the Integrated and Single Environmental Authorisations (IEA and SEA), the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and the eective communication strategies as a strategic driver of development.

In 2022, training continued for the “Sustainability Ambassadors” in the various Functions and Group companies, carried out thanks to the second edition of the Agire sostenibile per fare la differenza [Sustainable Action for Difference] course, organised alongside the Investor Relations & Sustainability Function of Acea SpA and with support from SCS Consulting (see the info box).


In 2022, Acea planned and carried out the second edition of the Agire sostenibile per fare la differenza [Sustainable Action for Difference] course with the aim of continuing to grow and disseminate the culture of sustainability within the Group. In particular, the training course sought to:

  • provide targeted skills and tools to strengthen the Acea Group’s Sustainability Community;
  • develop projects with shared value intended to integrate elements of sustainability into operating processes and promote the development of intercompany synergy and shared best practices;
  • monitor the effectiveness of the course and maintain a high level of participant engagement, through assessments, checkpoints to verify the progress of projects and discuss any critical issues, and the use of Teams to provide transversal talking points and updates of interest.

A total of 42 people were involved in this training course/workshop, with 12 projects activated on the following macro-areas: Sustainable Processes, Tools for Sustainability, Sustainable Innovation, Culture, Purpose and Territory, held 3 check-point meetings and 36 one-to-one meetings aimed at monitoring the progress of the projects. 9 short training videos were also created and shared with participants about the main topics of sustainability.

To support the implementation of the management system for the prevention of corruption (UNI ISO 37001:2016) (see also Corporate Identity), a dedicated training course was carried out which involved 55 people (of which 28 men and 27 women, divided into 9 executives, 41 middle managers and 5 clerks), identified following a risk assessment, to whom a total of 99 hours of classroom training was delivered. The e-learning version of the course was also designed during the year, which will be given to all Group employees in 2023.
The e-learning training delivered via the Pianetacea platform also continued, aimed at the entire company population, regarding legislation pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree no. 231/01, pertaining to the Administrative Responsibility of Entities and on the new Organisation, Management and Control Model implemented by Acea, on the Code of Ethics, on the whistleblowing procedure, on Italian Legislative Decree no. 262/05 pertaining to the Internal Control System for Financial Reporting and the QASE Integrated Management System, with the aim of completing the training of all staff and new hires. Short training videos on the Privacy Governance Model adopted by the Group were also provided.

The Group companies carried out independent remote training, for example:

  • Acea Produzione focused its training on topics related to permitting activities in the photovoltaic sector;
  • Acea Ambiente organised the “AMBIENTiamocitraining course, aimed at new hires, which explained the business supply chains and the main ongoing projects, highlighting networking, teamwork, shared goals and challenges, and the agile mindset;
  • Aquaser, to improve its performance in the field and hone in on the “zero accidents” objective, provided transport staff with courses on the use of specific equipment (mobile centrifuge, sewerage pump, etc.) handled as part of their main work activities. The company renewed its commitment to road safety by scheduling events intended to illustrate the main operating procedures and by promoting communication and interaction;
  • Deco organised a training course for the development of leadership, intended to improve resource management and adopt an effective style of communication. It also held on-site training on the control and management of the motor of the system for energy recovery from landfill gas, aimed at electrical maintenance technicians. Lastly, it involved staff who hold a category C licence in a course aimed at the correct application of driving, breaks and rest times, as well as on the correct use of analogue and digital tachographs to increase safety levels while driving;
  • Acea Elabori continued the EPC Academy, with accredited courses on Foundations of Works Management, Site Environmental 
  • Management and other topics, carried out through widespread internal training on the ARIS platform, MEV warehouse accounts payable cycle, Antitrust and Legislative Decree no. 231/2001. It also continued the technical/specialist training associated with the laboratory area, the drone pilot, design, and hydraulic modelling;
  • Acea Energia organised the GDPR Privacy course on the latest developments in data processing (data protection compliance, security of computer and network systems, profiling analysis models, big data, worker privacy, etc.) and the course on the Lean Presentation Design Lastly, in the context of digital marketing, it organised specialist training courses on SEO with the aim of exploring topics in terms of Search & Advertising;
  • Areti carried out various training projects to align skills with the integration of the MV/LV/PL Network. The company delivered training modules on administrative responsibility (Legislative Decree 231/2001) and continued the training project HV Grid – Primary Substations and Protections. Lastly, in the context of the Conosci Areti [Do You Know Areti] training plan, it trained new hires using onboarding processes dedicated to different professional forms;
  • Acea Ato 2 organised the course SAM – SAP Asset Manager with the aim of training 762 resources belonging to operations on the use of the new application for final calculations from the It created the Waste Management Environment course and Welcome Aboard, a project designed to welcome and support 87 new hires.Acea Ato 5 oversaw training on the Quality, Environment, Safety and Energy Integrated Management System, continued the Salesforce course on the use of the new CRM and implemented a course for maintenance technicians dedicated to the use of SAM, the new system for final calculations from the field that replaced SAP WFM. It carried out a training course aimed at managers to develop a new mindset and new skillsets to interact effectively with their team and external stakeholders, through proper management of stressful situations;
  • AdF continued the process to consolidate the agile culture within the company, accompanied by the dissemination of the reverse coaching culture, introduced through experiential training aimed at senior managers, middle managers and high-potential junior In the technical and operational context, AdF launched specific training courses on digitalisation and innovation, with particular reference to data analysis and interpretation and management systems;
  • Gori organised the Parole ostili [Hostile Words] project, created after signing the “Manifesto for non-hostile communication”, aimed at employees with the objective of countering all forms of violence, marginalisation and discrimination and to teach new language skills and the ability to listen. The training course was built using preferences expressed by employees through surveys. Two training courses were also launched on Industrial Relations and Internal Auditing.

The traditional and experiential training activities and those on the e-learning platform totalled 1,347 courses (886 in 2021). Traditional and experiential training was attended by 5,249 people, of which 21% women. Courses delivered digitally were attended by 3,264 people, of which 30% women.
In 2022, a total of 208,391 hours of traditional, experiential and e-learning training was provided, an increase compared to the 169,522 hours in 2021 (see Table no. 47).
In 2022, the total hours of training per capita138 was 31 (26 in 2021). When analysing the data from a gender perspective, men recorded 31 hours of training per capita and women 29 hours. The breakdown by qualification is: 15 hours of training per capita for managers, 31 for executives, 30 for employees and 33 for other workers.
The overall costs incurred for the provision of the courses, net of scheduling for training and the preparation of the spaces allocated to it, were equal, in 2022, to € 2,607,445.

Table no. 47 – Training (2021-2022)


course type

courses (no.)

training (hours)

2021 2022 2021 2022


21 41 14,749 7,708


250 629 58,164 107,612

governance model (*)

34 72 4,260 5,148


571 551 53,575 67,073
total 876 1,293 130,748 187,541


whistleblowing 1 1 2,762 504

Sustainability and Agenda 2030

1 1 16,836 3,991

Leadership Model

0 1 0 1,429

technical training

0 25 0 3,401

Code of Ethics

1 1 590 966

antitrust law

1 4 8,643 3,942

GDPR – new European privacy regulation

0 7 0 81

administrative liability of entities (Legislative Decree no. 231/01)

1 6 590 2,796


2 6 464 2,367

QASE management systems

1 1 358 677

Legislative Decree no. 262/05

1 1 475 696
total 10 54 38,774 20,850



2021 2022
uomini donne totale uomini donne totale


724 149 873 1,013 255 1,268


13,062 6,277 19,339 11,317 5,994 17,311

clerical workers

63,614 32,609 96,223 80,061 40,725 120,789


52,952 135 53,087 68,820 206 69,026
total 130,352 39,170 87,672 161,211 47,180 208,391

NOTE:Training hours do not include training provided to staff who left the company during the year.
(*) the governance training includes anti-corruption.

In order to develop people’s skills and professionalism, the individual performance assessment system is in place. Performance is assessed periodically by line managers on the basis of the level of achievement of the objectives assigned to colleagues, in line with the Group’s industrial and sustainability objectives, and with reference to the corporate values outlined in the Leadership Model.
In 2022, to better monitor and guide the succession processes for the benefit of a stable organisational model, the new Development Centre programme was launched, involving over 200 people. It involves the creation of individual projects for skills growth, which contributes to personal success and the success of the organisation (see info box).
The activities related to people development are monitored on the SuccessFactors platform and with the help of an internal dashboard that can process reports.


The individual development plans are defined on the basis of a detailed Catalogue, in light of the skills to be developed and with a view to innovation and continuous improvement, including tools and areas of intervention. The Catalogue contains 19 types of development measures and tools, grouped into 9 types of training courses, 7 types of focus team coaching (on employee management, strategic thinking, decision-making, effective communication, peer relations and change management, managing emotions), individual coaching courses, mentoring for both mentors and mentees, supported by specific training on methodology and process and, finally, high-level training.
In 2022, 215 assessments were carried out and development plans were designed for 56 people in the Group.

Professional development of staff through promotions in the year concerned 951 people of which 243 were women, i.e. 26%.


Acea develops partnerships and cooperation with universities, participates in studies and research, meetings between companies and students and stipulates agreements to promote internships and apprenticeships. Acea consolidated relations with the Tor Vergata, La Sapienza, LUISS Guido Carli, Studi Europei di Roma, Federico II di Napoli, Lumsa, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa, Università degli studi della Tuscia, Cassino universities and Polytechnic University of Milan via the conclusion of agreements aimed at encouraging the transition of graduates into the working world. In 2022, despite the ongoing difficulties associated with the pandemic, Acea renewed the curricular agreements, intended to promote exchange between new graduates and the working world, for curricular and extra-curricular internships with the Universities of Roma Tre, Tor Vergata, La Sapienza, LUISS Guido Carli, Uni Marconi, Bocconi, Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma – UNINT and Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale – UNICAS. In 2022, Deco activated a framework agreement with the Università Gabriele D’Annunzio di Chieti-Pescara, thanks to which it was able to host interns.
Acea defined partnerships and agreements for the Maris Master, in “Reporting, Innovation and Sustainability” and for the EMBA Master, both held at Tor Vergata University.
It maintained contacts and relations with the placement departments of the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, the Polytechnic University of Turin, the Aldo Moro University of Bari, the University of Camerino, the Parthenope University of Naples, the University of Pisa, those of Palermo, Catania and Messina, and the University of Naples Federico II.
In 2022, AdF signed agreements with the University of Siena for the development of new technologies based on artificial cells for the treatment of wastewater, and with the University of Pisa to develop high-level training and research activities on topics of cybersecurity, robotics, Internet of Things and data analysis, in both cases in collaboration with Agile Academy. Thanks to these interactions, in 2022 Acea established 41 training internships and 36 curricular internships. It hired 34 young graduates and stabilized the positions of 37 young people previously holding internship positions.
The Group also utilises the professional skills of its staff in university master’s degrees and courses and for technical projects. In 2022, qualified company staff worked as teachers or provided corporate testimonies for university master’s degrees, covering issues related to energy, the environment, sustainability and innovation. In particular, Acea collaborated with SAFE, a centre of excellence for studies and training on issues related to energy and the environment, and with the LUISS School of Technological Innovation.

Acea also concludes agreements with high schools for school-to-work projects and with local high schools and commercial schools in the country. GenerAzione Connessa [Connected Generation] (see dedicated box) was an important project implemented in 2022, in collaboration with schools and thanks to the contribution of Group companies.


The GenerAzione Connessa [Connected Generation] project involved around 308 students from 15 high schools (colleges and technical colleges) in Lazio, Umbria, Tuscany and Campania, with the aim of raising awareness among the younger generations of environmental sustainability, diversity and inclusion and encouraging them to develop innovative thinking, by nurturing virtuous exchange between school and the working world.
The format focused on the green revolution and the ecological transition and saw the creation of “Acea Workshops”, during which students, supported by facilitators from the ELIS team and the Sustainability Ambassadors of the Group companies, digitally developed innovative ideas and creative solutions.
The 2 winning project ideas were developed by:

  • the team Smart Under Water with the project MicRobot, a device that identifies microplastics present in the water;
  • the team Smart Lux, with the project Illuminazione pubblica intelligente [Smart Public Lighting] based on sensors.


In 2022, a new Performance Management Model was applied to the entire company population, connected to the evolution of the Leadership Model and structured into two different kinds: one for executives and middle managers, the other for clerks and manual workers. Devised for the assessment of performance and skills, the model represents a driver for the achievement of the Group’s growth objectives and guides policies for people development, enhancing the connection with compensation policies and salary reviews.
The remuneration policy adopted envisages short-term and longterm fixed and variable remuneration measures (MbO, LTIP).
Regarding long-term incentives, the Long-Term Incentive Plan (LTIP) is in place, reserved for Executives with Strategies Responsibilities and other Executives holding key positions in the Group. The Plan is divided into three cycles, each lasting three years, at the end of which a monetary bonus will be paid, if the objectives are achieved. This method is aimed at guaranteeing the continuity of the company’s performance, steering the management towards results with a medium and long-term outlook. The calculation system is subject to the degree of achievement of objectives, as determined by the Board of Directors after consulting the Appointments and Remuneration Committee, of an economic-financial nature (NFP/ EBITDA and NFP/NP), tied to the profitability of the share (EPS) and associated with the Group’s sustainable success, through a composite sustainability indicator given a percentage weighting of 10%, which includes objectives in line with the Group’s industrial and sustainability planning.
The short-term incentive system (annual), Management by Objectives (MBO), is applied to senior and middle management and entitles them to receive a monetary bonus based on the achievement of objectives established for the year. The system is divided into Group objectives which are the same for all involved parties, Area objectives (applicable across the relevant Area) and individual objectives.
The Group objectives that are applied to 100% of the recipients of the MBO incentive scheme, are based on four indicators (KPIs): three of an economic-financial nature (EBITDA, net profit, net financial position) and one composite sustainability indicator given a weighting of 10%. Managers can choose their Area objectives from among those included in the Dedicated catalogue, with a direct link to the company’s strategy and operational management.
With the introduction of sustainability objectives in the incentive systems for the MbO population and for top management (LTIP), Acea has confirmed the integration of sustainability into business activities, strengthening the link between remuneration mechanisms and the achievement of social and environmental objectives.
Employees who are middle managers, clerical and manual workers – including those with part-time, fixed-term (including temporary) and apprenticeship contracts – are eligible for the performance bonus every year. This is a variable payment, linked to qualitative and quantitative results achieved in the realisation of business objectives, in line with the industrial and sustainability planning, which aims to have workers participate in company processes and projects to increase profitability and improve competitiveness, productivity, quality and efficiency. Furthermore, payment of an additional amount was made by the company in favour of those who allocate the performance bonus to supplementary pension schemes.
There are also benefits for employees, including those with part-time, fixed-term contracts and apprenticeship contracts, such as meal vouchers, a discounts on electricity tariffs (for staff hired before 9 July 1996), the subsidies provided through the Company Recreational Club (CRC) and a supplementary health insurance policy. Other forms of benefits are provided to staff to support their well-being. These include: contributions for medical expenses, health check-ups, contributions for the use of emotional and physical well-being services, work-life balance and related to family. Furthermore, specific benefits are offered to executives, such as the use of a company car and the reimbursement of fuel costs. Two insurance policies are available for all staff, which, in the event of death or accident, guarantee the beneficiaries the payment of monetary compensation.


The Internal Media Relations and Communications Unit of the holding company oversees communication to employees and contributes to promoting the Group’s principles, values and strategic objectives and developing a shared company culture.
In 2022, the digital platforms again continued to play a central role in communication between the company and people, in particular My Intranet, a digital environment dedicated to employees which, by facilitating the sharing of information, initiatives and events organised by the Group companies, strengthens people’s engagement and sense of belonging to the Group.
During the year, the portal was upgraded with the new Equality & Care section, launched with an internal communication campaign and carried out with the aim of promoting inclusion, appreciation of diversity and the full expression of individuals in the Group. The section highlights the Diversity, Equality & Inclusion Policy adopted by Acea and the UNI/PdR 125:2022 certification on Gender Equality achieved in the year.

Another digital interaction channel between Acea and employees is the Acea Ti Premia [Acea Rewards You] portal, the innovative space for aggregation which makes it possible to share projects, events and company gadgets and promote engagement.
For the first time, in 2022, Acea Ti Premia hosted the second edition of the Acea Green Cup 2022, with a page dedicated to the contest’s candidate projects, various multimedia content and a voting mechanism for the projects (see also info box in chapter Customers, paragraph Communication, Events and Solidarity).

In 2022, the internal communication initiatives remained in line with the pillars of strategic planning: ecological transition, sustainability, diversity and inclusion, welfare, safety, engagement, solidarity, and innovation.
The dedicated team, in collaboration with the Human Resources Function, provided support for corporate welfare initiatives, designed to promote the emotional and physical well-being of staff and their family members, including: Acea Camp, the summer camp dedicated to children of employees; Orientiamoci, the webinar aimed at employees and their children to help them make decisions about their professional future; Out of Office, the first street gym event organised by Acea, and Sostegno Donna, the support channel aimed at female workers in situations of hardship (see also the paragraph Diversity, Inclusion and Welfare).
In 2022, the Connessi con Acea [Connected with Acea] project also took place, designed by the Communication Function. Its three events (see also the paragraph Diversity, Inclusion and Welfare) were entirely translated simultaneously into sign language:

  • Female Empowerment, In Conversation with Giulia Baccarin, held on International Women’s Day;
  • Diverso da chi? [Different from who?] a webinar organised on World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, which hosted the Director of the Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli and covered topics of diversity and inclusion in work and private life;
  • Generazioni a confronto [Comparing Generations], a webinar activated as part of the Corporate Family Responsibility programme, attended by the National President of the Forum of Family Associations to explore the importance of generational exchange.

To promote the culture of well-being, the Internal Communication team, in collaboration with the Human Resources Function, supported the Previeni con Acea [Prevent with Acea] communication campaign, intended to raise employee awareness about health, prevention and healthy lifestyles. In 2022, the Acea Solidarity Mondays were promoted, the initiative that involves employees in supporting charitable activities (AISM, Antea, UNHCR, Alfa Odv, La lega del filo d’oro, Un…Due…Tre Alessio), and a collection was organised for food and essential items in favour of families in most need, in collaboration with the Welfare Unit and the ACLI at Acea, delivered thanks to the Solidarity Taxi (see also the paragraph Diversity, Inclusion and Welfare). In continuity with previous years, Christmas gift-giving took place in collaboration with Banco Alimentare, with the purchase of 6,475 gifts for Acea Group employees, and a portion was donated to the Community of Sant’Egidio, for the organisation, in collaboration with Acea’s Company Recreational Club (CRC), of a Christmas lunch for people in financial hardship.
Lastly, during the Christmas celebrations, in collaboration with the Events Management Unit, the Chief Executive Officer spoke to staff at the headquarters.

138 The indicator was calculated by comparing the number of hours attended with the total number of employees.
